
BESTIES is designed to stir up all your loving memories and totally captivate your heart. This one is 9″X7″ and designed for table top or wall. It’s also designed to make you smile and improve your relationship with all the people in your life (it does not do laundry or windows, but it does do a lot, so there’s that…). Nostalgia reigns in this beautifully framed, ever so vintage, Boomer Frame-Up. The Scrabble tiles and the genuine, vintage, childhood art (directly from a 1960’s Dick and Jane reading book) are irresistible… so give in already. Make it yours (or gift it to your bestie).

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SKU: 43 Category:


BESTIES  Not sure if we’re talkin’ sisters  (Penny and Pam are the twins right out of Dick and Jane) or a girl and her doll (Baby Sally is the 3-D cut out with her baby doll)… they do each have one to hug. Doesn’t matter. You have a bestie, don’t you? Buy this for her. Or him. Or your twin. Or your sister or sister-in-law. Or your sorority sister. Or sister-wife. Or just keep it .