SANDYE SPEAKS: Speaking, Training and Consulting Services

What Do I Say? What Do I Do? Sandye SPEAKS is actually an offshoot of SANCO consulting – the company founded by Sandye Linnetz back in 2007 and still going strong!  It’s doubtful that Sandye will ever retire. She has too much energy and too much to share…

Meet Sandye Linnetz, International Motivational Speaker and Trainer, Life Coach and Author. Sandye graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology and did her post-graduate work in Education at California State University at Long Beach. She founded and operated a million$ business back when that was a big deal! She has taught business seminars around the globe as well as writing, editing, speaking and doing private coaching for individuals, teams and CEOs. And, did we mention that she was featured in Time and Success Magazines AND a guest on Oprah? Seriously, all that!

Sandye, aka SANCO Consulting, specializes in “full-service” training; working closely with you and your team – from assessment to implementation. Whether you want large group facilitation or one-on-one training and support, Sandye will design a custom program to fit your needs. She delivers programs that build strong, successful teams, facilitate learning new skills and produce results that are vital for core and financial growth.

Sandye’s current emphasis is working with adult professionals in the areas of leadership, project management, customer service, systems and organization, stress management, adjusting to change, presentation skills, communication, conflict resolution and relationship.

Sandye the speaker, trainer and motivator is ready and able to address your company, team, or group – of any size, age or stage – on a wide variety of subjects including the hottest current topics from Project and People Management to Personal Development and Stress Management. What makes Sandye unique is her commitment to your vision. Rather than choose a ready-made speech or workshop off the rack, she invites you to assist in designing exactly the program that fits your needs!


If what you want is an inspirational, motivational keynote speaker (45 – 90 minutes), look no further! Meet Sandye and be prepared to laugh, cry and be fully engaged in whatever topic you choose. Sandye keeps everyone engaged and involved. No sleeping when “Sandye Speaks”!


Sandye can be booked to teach and inspire your team, staff or group for full day, ½ day or multiple days. You can request a specific topic or talk to Sandye and design one that perfectly suits your people and their needs. Forget the boring, dry, seminars of old; Sandye is about participation and total group immersion. These seminars are not to be ‘watched’ they are to be ‘done’!


Sandye draws from a broad spectrum of experiences and tools to share with her clients. A former ‘Systems Goddess’ for Process Prodigy and a business woman herself for over 35 years, Sandye will design and deliver a custom experience to reach your specific, delineated goals. Where’s your pain? She has the cure!



References and pricing are available on request. Please email to set up a complimentary, no obligation consultation appointment.

Contact Information:
Sandye Linnetz:

Here are Some Fun Titles to Consider…

Running a Business That Doesn’t Run You
Team Work that Really ‘Works’
The Care and Feeding of Clients and Customers
Bustin’ Loose of Breakdowns
Sex in the Workplace
Stop, Look and Listen: Let’s Communicate
Shut Up and Listen
Speaking Powerfully: Presentation Skills
Minutiae Happens: Handling the Breakdowns
What to Do When There’s Nothing To Do

Interpersonal Skills
It’s ALL Relative
Making Others Magnificent
The Listening Challenge
Enrolling Others in Your Ideas
Straight Talking
‘Works Well With Others’… (just like in school)
Taking Responsibility and Sharing the Results
Talking WITH the Folks at Work.